Are your firewalls and anti-virus measures sufficient to safeguard your business data against cyberattacks?

April 24, 2024

Many industries, including accountants, legal professionals and recruitment agencies are subject to regulatory requirements regarding data protection and privacy. With the rise of remote working and the increase of mobile devices used to log into secure networks, traditional security measures alone are no longer sufficient. 

Just how secure is your client data?  

Will your business pass the requirements described in the scenario below? 

Imagine your business data is a high-security facility, and you, the security guard, are tasked with ensuring only authorised personnel gain entry. Before granting access, you must adhere to a strict set of requirements to prevent any unauthorised access. 

The requirements are: 

  1. Location-Based Access: Just like allowing only employees with the right credentials into a physical office, software like Microsoft Intune’s Conditional Access allows businesses to restrict access based on the user’s location. For instance, you may require that employees can only access sensitive data when they are within the premises or connected to a secure network. Do you have the required restrictions in place?  
  2. Device Compliance: Much like ensuring visitors adhere to a dress code before entering a building, businesses can enforce device compliance policies using software like Microsoft Intune. This means only devices that meet specific security standards, such as having up-to-date antivirus software and encryption enabled, are granted access to sensitive data. Which devices do you allow your employees to access your secure networks from? 
  3. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Think of MFA as requiring multiple forms of identification before granting entry. Similarly, Intune’s Conditional Access can enforce MFA, requiring users to provide additional verification, such as a fingerprint scan or a one-time passcode sent to their mobile device, to access critical data. Have you activated your MFA? 
  4. Risk-Based Access: Just as a vigilant security guard scrutinises individuals exhibiting suspicious behaviour, Intune can assess the risk level associated with each access attempt. If a user’s login attempt is deemed risky based on factors like unusual login locations or multiple failed login attempts, access can be blocked or subjected to further verification steps. Are you tracking any suspicious behaviour? 
  5. Time-Based Access: Like restricting access to certain areas during non-business hours, Intune allows businesses to define specific time frames when access to sensitive data is permitted. This ensures that access is only granted during designated hours, reducing the risk of unauthorised access outside of business hours. Do have time limits on your data? 

Did your business pass the security requirements? 

Cybersecurity doesn’t have to be complicated. With Conditional Access from Intune, your business has a powerful tool that controls access to your data based on specific conditions. By implementing these conditional access requirements, your business can significantly enhance the protection of your business data while still having greater flexibility and control over how, when, and where data is accessed. 

IT Backbone provides various bespoke IT Support and cybersecurity solutions for professional business owners who want to mitigate the risk of data breaches and preserve the integrity of their valuable assets. 

For more information about Microsoft Intune, you can watch this video.

If you need  IT & Cybersecurity support, contact us for a no-obligation discussion

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