IT Services in Kent

July 31, 2020

Professional IT Services Across Kent

IT support involves designing, managing, improving, and delivering IT services by an organisation to the end-users. IT Backbone is among the most respected and trusted names in IT management and IT support services in Kent, having built an established reputation for delivering outstanding IT support service packages to small and medium businesses across Kent.

The most common IT services in Kent include:


Managed IT Service

Comprise of different specifics but enables businesses to service a company’s network at a regular rate on an ongoing basis. It saves money in the long run as it can prevent a company from getting problems in the first place. View more information on our Managed IT Services.


Network Security

Cybersecurity is a huge problem for all types of businesses. So responding and evaluating potential threats is a vital service for most Information Technology businesses. IT Backbone provide this service as part of our managed Information Technology services. View more information on our Network Security.


On-Demand IT

Another way of structuring an Information Technology Service business is by providing the services that are on-demand. View more information on our IT services in Kent.


Network Setup

IT services can also involve offering a preliminary setup service for small and medium businesses looking to get their network up and running. An organisation can provide this service as a standalone but it is more valuable when offered as a managed IT package. View more information on our IT services in Kent.


Cloud Computing

This is any kind of IT service that is delivered over a dedicated cloud network or the internet. Therefore, a SaaS or cloud platform offering falls in this category. Most organisations create software that’s delivered to the end-users of the cloud who are charged a membership fee to access it. View more information on our Cloud Computing.



How to optimise IT service support & delivery

Many organisations struggle to optimise IT service support and delivery. Optimisation is a critical factor that ensures IT services fulfil organisational needs. Below are ways you can optimise IT service support.


Use chatbots

A chatbot is a software that steers a conversation with end-users through audio or text messages. Organisations implement chatbots as a gateway for users to make requests for services or those needing a resolution to a problem. This makes IT support convenience even without needing human interaction.



If the user can fulfil a request or resolve a problem, it is a win-win situation for both the IT department and the organisation. Failing to adopt proper self-service or self-help decreases customer satisfaction and increases customer costs. A self-help program should be able to promote continual services improvement including decreasing the issues customers have.


Shift Left

‘Shift left’ is a predominant strategy for optimising support and delivery for many organisations. It involves moving support closer to the consumption point. For instance, moving support from L1 to end-users or moving support from L3 to L1 resources. A shift left helps in reducing costs and improving user satisfaction and services.



Automation is the use of technology to perform a process with little or no human intervention. Successful automation improves IT services support and delivery, and decrease costs in the long-run.

If you have an Inquiry regarding IT Services in Kent, you can contact us for assistance.

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15 mins

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